2023-08-16 05:24:09 UTC
According to NoKorea, the US soldier who crossed the DMZ and into
NoKorea did so to escape racial discrimination. Great idea. There's no
racial discrimination in NoKorea. They treat everyone like shit.
When they decide they are tired of his shit, they'll tie him to a missilecustody.html?utm_source=part&utm_medium=uol&utm_campaign=rss_top
According to NoKorea, the US soldier who crossed the DMZ and into
NoKorea did so to escape racial discrimination. Great idea. There's no
racial discrimination in NoKorea. They treat everyone like shit.
and launch it into the ocean.
Koreans, both South and North dislike Africans.
Of the total population of approximately 25 million people, 99.8 percent
are ethnically Korean. Less than one percent of North Koreans are
identified as not being Korean.